The on board service training lab. Most equipment in here is Acela
related. The cafe and first class kitchen are apparently non-working
models used in the prototypes. To the left is an Acela door used to
demonstrate how to operate it in an emergency (this one is not hooked
up to power so it HAS to be done manually.) To the left is samples of
windows to demonstrate how to get them open in an emergency. There is
a small seating section in the right rear of the room. These apparently
are actual "revenue seats." Not sure what that means, beyond the possibility that there is an Acela car running around out there that is missing a few seats!
(768x512 52kb)
Another shot of the cafe section from the other end. Not sure if those
prices up top are legit or not. (Sorry about the horrible focus)
(768x512 63kb)
A better shot of the "revenue seats" as well as the Acela door. Each type
of seating arrangement is here. Also note the overhead enclosed luggage
racks typical on planes.
(768x512 43kb)
Emergency windows used for training. The passenger window on the Acela is
about 65 pounds and is BULLETPROOF. When asked if the skin on the trains
are bulletproof as well, the Amtrak rep told us "No." So here's a tip,
when your train is under fire from subversives from outside, position your
vital body parts behind a window!
(491x349 19kb)